Do you do fiberglass repair or fabrication?
In a word, no. We are strictly distributors of composite materials and related products. All of our customer service people, however, are well versed in the use of these materials. If we can’t answer your technical questions, we will find the answers you need.
Who are your customers; do you sell to the general public?
We sell product to boat yards, shipyards, the U.S. Military, public utilities, tank lining services, automotive shops, fiberglass tub repairs, boat repair shops, custom boat builders, artists, musical instrument builders & repairers, and saddle makers & contractors. We sell to the public also, our online prices reflect our everyday low prices. Commercial users may contact us by phone, fax, or internet regarding commercial & quantity pricing and/or setting up an account.
What are your hours of operation?
Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Can individuals come in and purchase at your sales counter?
Yes. If you are local or within reasonable travel time, you could save considerable freight charges. Also, if you need it now, we have adequate supplies of most products in stock. We suggest that you call ahead to check stock rather than make the trip for nothing.
Can you ship materials?
Yes. We ship to commercial customers in Southeast Virginia & Northeastern North Carolina on our own vehicles. Other shipments are sent via UPS ground or motor freight, depending on size, weight, and hazardous states.
Can fiberglass be laid up in layers, wet on wet?
Actually, this is the best way to apply two or more layers because you achieve an interlaminar chemical bond. Any bond between layers that are cured will be mechanical only. Sometimes size or shape, temperature or facilities will make it impractical, but if you can make subsequent layers while the first is wet or tacky, it is best to do so.
Can gelcoat be applied over a west system epoxy resin repair?
The old wisdom is that epoxy resin can be applied over polyester resin, but that polyester resin cannot be applied over epoxy resin. West system tells us, however, that polyester material will bond to well cure and properly prepared west system epoxy resin about as well as it will bond to well cured and prepared polyester, which is not that well. On the other hand, it is generally satisfactory to achieve a factory like refinish with gelcoat.
How do you achieve sufficient film thickness in gelcoat if you are not or cannot spray?
Gelcoat is designed to be sprayed into a mold, so that the part can be pulled from the mold finished and without the need of a secondary finish. In the case of boats, the gelcoat also serves as a water barrier to protect the fiberglass reinforced resin structure. Generally, in order to meet the needs of manufacturing and the finished product, a wet film thickness of 18-20 mils is needed. Because the gelcoat is thixotropic, it can be sprayed on, wet on wet or in a single coat, without running or sagging. Trying to apply this thickness with a roller will be a hopeless cause. Instead, roll on 2 or 3 coats and using a surfacing agent in the final coat and wait for a tacky partial cure between the coats. If time constraints require the job to be broken up, it is better to get all the coats on half of the job than half the coats on the whole job. That way, only the overlapping edges will need to be sanded.
Can fiberglass laminate be painted?
Fiberglass laminate of either epoxy or polyester can be and often is painted. In the case of boats and motor vehicles, appropriate marine and automotive finishes are best. Almost any type of paint can be used on cured, well sanded fiberglass, use the primer that is recommended by the paint manufacturer if needed.
Can fiberglass laminate be painted?
Fiberglass laminate of either epoxy or polyester can be and often is painted. In the case of boats and motor vehicles, appropriate marine and automotive finishes are best. Almost any type of paint can be used on cured, well sanded fiberglass, use the primer that is recommended by the paint manufacturer if needed.
What are ideal conditions for working with these materials?
Temperatures – in the seventies. There are exceptions, for example, like when using an extra slow hardener with epoxy resin, it may comfortably be used at elevated temperatures. Also, in the case of polyester and polyurethane materials, moderate to low humidity is necessary. When conditions are too far from ideal, planning and a bit of strategy can make things work better. Heating or cooling of materials and surfaces to be coated. Also, the use of heat lamps or shade from the sun can control cure times.

“ These guys are knowledgeable and willing to take time to talk and help, it is a pleasure doing business with them. I will definitely continue to use them for my fiberglass requirements. ”
Tim P.

“The best place for high-quality West system epoxy all weights of fiberglass matting and boat building accessories. Resident / Boss Cat working Hardly.”
Jeff Powell

“Great, fast, friendly as always, and prices are fair. I’ll continue to be a customer after I move for all those reasons.”
Jeff Shamburger
Contact Information
Eastern Burlap & Trading Co.
834 W 25th St, Norfolk, VA 23517
Phone: 757-622-5914
Business Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Established in 1926
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